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Contracts Notes.
- Resume • 161 pages • 2023
- $28.49
- + en savoir plus
PS pages 1-19
Chapter 1 – Deals, Lawyers, and Basic Contract Concepts
Interpreting Contacts (and Drafting Them)
The Six Things that happen in a Contract
Interpreting: figuring out what another lawyer’s drafted words mean
Drafting: creating rules
First Step – decide what is happening in each sentence
o Covenant: a promise to do or not do something
Creates a duty (obligation)
Affirmative – the party must do something
Negative – the party must not do some...
Contracts Notes.
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de cela
PS pages 1-19 Chapter 1 – Deals, Lawyers, and Basic Contract Concepts Interpreting Contacts (and Drafting Them) The Six Things that happen in a Contract Interpreting: figuring out what another lawyer’s drafted words mean Drafting: creating rules First Step – decide what is happening in each sentence o Covenant: a promise to do or not do something Creates a duty (obligation) Affirmative – the party must do something Negative – the party must not do some...
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