Stanford University
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- Other • 4 pages • 2023
- $3.49
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C++ Programming, Transdisciplinary Approach,Public Health Law,Integrals, 
Techniques,Applications,Mechanics,Business Statistics,Legal Approach, 
Algebra,Computer Fundamentals,Computer System Architecture,Data Communication,Networking,DBMS,Digital Electronics, 
Discrete Mathematics,Ethics,Transdisciplinary Practice,Software Engineering,Human Anatomy,Public Health Problems,Inorganic Chemistry, 
Integral Formulas,Organic Chemistry,Physical Chemistry,Web Technology, 
Java Programming,Pharmacology,Qu...
HESI Pharmacology Exam Practice
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2021
- $10.49
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HESI Pharmacology Exam Practice 
1) A nurse is caring for a client with hyperparathyroidism and notes that the client's serum calcium level is 13 mg/dL. Which medication should the nurse prepare to administer as prescribed to the client? 
A.	Calcium chloride 	C. Calcitonin (Miacalcin) 
B.	Calcium gluconate 	D. Large doses of vitamin D 
 2.) Oral iron supplements are prescribed for a 6-year-old child with iron deficiency anemia. The nurse instructs the mother to administer the iron wit...
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