University Of California, Irvine School Of Law
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DSFS SDF Test Bank for Biochemistry 4th Edition Voet.
- Case • 10 pages • 2024
- $8.49
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A) hydrogen bond(s) 
B) rotational 
C) H3PO4 
D) H2PO4 
E) HPO4 
F) disordered 
G) positive entropy 
H) negative entropy 
I) higher electronegativity 
J) insoluble 
K) tetrahedral structure 
L) acid versus base 
M) base versus acid 
N) dissolved but only partially 
1. Translational and ______ thermal motion causes liquid water molecules to reorient 
approximately every 10–12 seconds. 
Ans: B 
Level of Difficulty: Easy 
Section: 2-1. Properties of Wate...
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