NURS 320 (NURS320)
University Of San Francisco
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Test Bank: Working With Groups of Patients Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Test Bank: Working With Groups of Patients Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	A psychiatric nurse clinician on an inpatient unit plans to lead a special-problems group for withdrawn patients. Which information will be of most assistance as the nurse prepares for this assignment? 
a.	Inpatient groups rarely have a lasting beneficial effect. 
b.	Inpatient groups have short-term, goal-oriented sessions. 
c.	Inpatient groups are helpful for patients with verbal skil...

Test Bank: Working With an Individual Patient Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- $16.49
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Test Bank: Working With an Individual Patient Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	A patient is hospitalized for severe depression. Knowing that the patient will be discharged after a short stay, what is the nurse’s first priority? 
a.	Maximize the benefits of milieu management. 
b.	Immediately begin to explore acute patient issues. 
c.	Develop a goal-directed, problem-centered relationship. 
d.	Choose a specific theoretical model as the basis for care. 
ANS: C ...

Test Bank: Legal Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Test Bank: Legal Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	Considering the M’Naghten Rule, what information is most important for the nurse to document when caring for a patient who will soon be tried on murder charges? 
a.	The patient’s participation in treatment planning 
b.	The patient’s comments about commission of the crime 
c.	Examples of behaviors that support psychiatric diagnoses 
d.	The patient’s perceptions of the need for hospitalization and ...

Test Bank: Spiritual Issues Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Test Bank: Spiritual Issues Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	The patient says, “I know I’m very sick right now, but I trust that God will make me better.” Based on this statement, the nurse can assess the patient’s spirituality as being based on what model? 
a.	Theism 
b.	Humanism 
c.	Behaviorism 
d.	Existentialism 
Theism is the only model that suggests that people are inextricably tied to a transcendent being. This view provides hope for a b...

Test Bank: Med, Meds, Milieu Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Test Bank: Med, Meds, Milieu Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	A newly licensed asks a nursing recruiter for a description of nursing practice in the psychiatric setting. What is the nurse recruiter’s best response? 
a.	“The nurse primarily serves in a supportive role to members of the health care delivery team.” 
b.	“The multidisciplinary approach eliminates the need to clearly define the responsibilities of nursing in such a setting.” 
c.	“Nursing...

Test Bank: Cultural Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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Test Bank: Cultural Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	A nurse begins work at an agency that provides care to members of a minority ethnic population. What intervention should the nurse implement to demonstrate cultural competence? 
a.	Identifying popularly held culture-bound issues 
b.	Implementing scientifically proven interventions 
c.	Correcting inferior health practices of the population 
d.	Exploring commonly held beliefs and values of the populatio...

Test Bank: Historical Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Test Bank: Historical Issues Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	A person says, “What mental health issues are a major concern for the general population.” The nurse’s reply should be based on what confirmed fact concerning mental health issues? 
a.	Bipolar disorder is a rare diagnosis among the general population. 
b.	A diagnosis of schizophrenia is rarely confirmed during the teenage years. 
c.	Major depression is very prevalent among the adult population...

Test Bank: Models for Working With Psychiatric Patients Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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Test Bank: Models for Working With Psychiatric Patients Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition 
1.	When interacting with patients, it is important for the nurse to recognize that defense mechanisms are used for what outcome? 
a.	Keep id impulses from gaining control. 
b.	Protect the ego from excessive anxiety. 
c.	Access unconscious feelings and memories. 
d.	Prevent conflict among the id, ego, and superego. 
Theorists widely accept the Freudian concept that e...

Chapter 08: Learning to Communicate Professionally Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition Test Bank,100% CORRECT
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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Chapter 08: Learning to Communicate Professionally Keltner : Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition Test Bank 
1.	Which skill is most important for a nurse preparing to work in the psychiatric setting? 
a.	Helpful transference 
b.	Sympathetic listening 
c.	Supportive confrontation 
d.	Therapeutic communication 
Therapeutic communication provides the basis for effective use of each stage of the nursing process, as explained by the authors. The other options are skills ...

Chapter 01: Med, Meds, Milieu Keltner: Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECT GUARANTEE GRADE A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $5.59
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1.	A newly licensed asks a nursing recruiter for a description of nursing practice in the psychiatric setting. What is the nurse recruiter’s best response? 
a.	“The nurse primarily serves in a supportive role to members of the health care delivery team.” 
b.	“The multidisciplinary approach eliminates the need to clearly define the responsibilities of nursing in such a setting.” 
c.	“Nursing actions are identified by the institution that distinguishes nursing from other mental health ...

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