C228 TASK 1 (C228 TASK)
Western Governors University
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NURSING C228 Task 1 Community Health and Population Focused Nursing 2020
Task 1 for course C228 at Western Governors University. Passed

C228- Task 1.
- Examen • 13 páginas • 2021
- $12.49
- 1x vendido
- + aprende más y mejor
C228- Task 1/C228- Task 1. 
B. Needs Assessment: 
Sentinel City (SC) has a total population of 663,862 that is divided into four smaller neighborhoods which include Nightingale Square with a population of 103,974, Acer Tech Center with a population of 168,390, Casper Park District with a population of 352,643, and Industrial Heights with a population of 38,855 (Sentinel City,2020). SC age range is 7.4% are less than 5 years old, 21.7% are less than 18 years old, and 10.5% are s...

C228 - Task 1 V3.
- Examen • 13 páginas • 2021
- $12.99
- 2x vendido
- + aprende más y mejor
C228 - Task 1 V3/C228 - Task 1 V3. 
Needs Assessment 
Demographics Assessment 
Sentinel City is a digital world simulation centered in an urban setting with four districts stretching over 153 square miles (Healthcare Learning Innovations, 2020). Nightingale Square, Acer Tech Center, Casper Park District, and Industrial Heights are the named districts (Healthcare Learning Innovations, 2020). The total population of the city is 663,862 which is a 
9.6% increase over the last two years, with ...
C228 Task 1 and 2; Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Papers

C228 Task 1 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Paper
- Examen • 12 páginas • 2021
- Disponible en paquete
- $20.49
- + aprende más y mejor
C228 Task 1 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Paper/C228 Task 1 Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Paper

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