Human Anatomy and Physiology
College Of Pharmacy
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Introduction to Homeostasis
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2024
- $7.89
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The structure of the internal environment keeps up with narrow limits, and this genuinely steady state is called homeostasis. In a real sense, this term implies unchanging, however by and by it portrays, what is happening kept inside narrow limits. At the point when this equilibrium is undermined or lost, a serious risk to the well-being of the person. There are many variables in the internal environment which should be kept up with in a narrow limit.
Class notes
Introduction to Homeostasis
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The structure of the internal environment keeps up with narrow limits, and this genuinely steady state is called homeostasis. In a real sense, this term implies unchanging, however by and by it portrays, what is happening kept inside narrow limits. At the point when this equilibrium is undermined or lost, a serious risk to the well-being of the person. There are many variables in the internal environment which should be kept up with in a narrow limit.
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