Emily Griffith College
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Week 2 : Sim Lab A – 2807NRS Chronic Illness Management (solved) Fall2021
- Other • 4 pages • 2021
- $13.04
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Week 2 : Sim Lab A – 2807NRS Chronic Illness Management (solved) Fall2021-Mr John Grant is a 64 year old man with a diagnosis of left knee osteoarthritis and a history of angina, hypertension (HTN), hyperlipidaemia, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and depression. He also has mild reflux controlled by occasional doses of antacid and by moderating his alcohol intake. John underwent a right total knee replacement (TKR) 12 months ago. During hospitalisation, John reported angina symptoms after which he wa...
Week 2 : Sim Lab A – 2807NRS Chronic Illness Management 100% CORRRECT ANSWERS AID GRADE A+
- Other • 5 pages • 2021
- $11.39
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In this SimLab, you will be exploring case studies related to the care of clients with chronic endocrine conditions. You will have an opportunity to demonstrate skills related to the exacerbation of these conditions in a hospital setting. You will also work through a simulation case study. 
The purpose of these activities are to develop knowledge and skills in relation to chronic illness management for those with endocrine conditions. 
Before attending your allocated SimLab please ens...
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