OpenStax Microbiology
University Of Colorado Denver
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OpenStax Microbiology Test Bank Chapter 23: Urogenital System Infections
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2024
- $14.49
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OpenStax Microbiology Test Bank Chapter 23: Urogenital System Infections 
* = Correct answer Multiple Choice 
1.	What is a glomerulus? 
A.	a capillary bed that contacts a nephron* 
B.	a connecting duct in the urinary system 
C.	a part of the urinary bladder 
D.	the part of the nephron that drains into the ureter 
Difficulty: Easy ASM Standard: N/A 
2.	Urine leaves the urinary bladder through which structure? 
A.	collecting duct 
B.	meatus 
C.	ureter 
D.	urethra* 
Difficulty: Easy ASM Sta...

OpenStax Microbiology
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2022
- $15.69
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OpenStax Microbiology Test Bank Chapter 22: Respiratory System Infections 
* = Correct answer Multiple Choice 
1.	Which passageway connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear? 
A.	eustachian tube* 
B.	nasal cavity 
C.	oropharynx 
D.	sinus cavity 
Difficulty: Easy ASM Standard: N/A 
2.	Which described the palatine tonsils? 
A.	connective and muscular tissue within the nasopharynx 
B.	connective and muscular tissue within the oropharynx 
C.	lymphoid tissue within the nasopharynx 
D.	lymphoid ...

OpenStax Microbiology Test Bank Chapter 22: Respiratory System Infections
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2022
- $15.09
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OpenStax Microbiology Test Bank Chapter 22: Respiratory System Infections 
* = Correct answer Multiple Choice 
1.	Which passageway connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear? 
A.	eustachian tube* 
B.	nasal cavity 
C.	oropharynx 
D.	sinus cavity 
Difficulty: Easy ASM Standard: N/A 
2.	Which described the palatine tonsils? 
A.	connective and muscular tissue within the nasopharynx 
B.	connective and muscular tissue within the oropharynx 
C.	lymphoid tissue within the nasopharynx 
D.	lymphoid ...

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