Kingswood Oxford
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Latest notes & summaries Kingswood Oxford
Dive into the intricate world of the environment of life, where living organisms and their surroundings interact in a delicate balance. From ecosystems and biodiversity to human impacts and conservation, discover how the environment shapes life on Earth and why protecting it is essential for our future. Perfect for students, nature enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the forces that sustain our planet!
1 Vitamin C is a dietary antioxidant. Spinach is a plant that produces edible leaves with a high vitamin C content. (a) Explain the link between dietary antioxidants and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
impinge upon infringe upon disconsolate very sad, incapable of being consoles Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:02 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower Read More halcyon prosperous, calm, peaceful inveterate habitual fatuous complacently foolish frangible fragile germane relevant, pertinent salubrious healthful juvenescence youthfulness perquisite an exclusive right or benefit ...
Subjective Critics have argued that projective tests are too: Chunking Organizing the string of letters B-F-J-T-A-V-K-C into JFK-TV-CAB is an example of: The ability of the neurotransmitter to penetrate the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron The ability of a postsynaptic neuron to respond to the presence of a particular neurotransmitter that is released from a neighboring presynaptic neuron is dependent on which of the following conditions? Emotions When persuasive comm...
abandon complete lack of inhibition or restraint abrasive showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:00 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower Read More abreast up to date with the latest news, ideas, or information abridge shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense abstruse difficult to understand; obscure accentuate to make (something) more prominent or n...
Albert Cohen talked about status frustration, what is this? Emotion felt by individuals of lower classes because they are prevented from climbing social ladder and gaining status Messerschmidt talked about hegemonic masculinity, what is this? A theory that seeks to explain how and why men maintain dominance through the subordination of women in the social heiarchy Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:02 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower R...
Immigration coming to live permanently in a foreign country Emigration the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:02 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower Read More Push Factor A reason for someone wanting to leave their own country Pull Factor A reason for someone wanting to go to another country Open Door Policy More lenient on emigration to America from othe...
The selective role of education Chooses the most able people for the most important jobs The selective role of education - Functionalists Functionalists see the education system as a sieve, that selects students for particular roles in life as the education system picks and chooses talented and hard working people to be the most successful Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:04 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower Read More The selective r...
Westminster Model The model of democracy that the UK operates with that many follow. This form of democracy is based upon having a parliamentary who has supreme authority and the accountability of its elected representatives, named for the parliament building in London. Hegemonic power "A state that controls the pattern of alliances, and terms of international order, and often shapes domestic political developments in countries." UK was a hegemonic power because at one point they c...
anarferol unusual blinedig tired Previous Play Next Rewind 10 seconds Move forward 10 seconds Unmute 0:02 / 0:15 Full screen Brainpower Read More canhwyllau candles cyflwynydd presenter hofrennydd helicopter Llywodraeth government rhesymol reasonable sgerbwd skeleton traffordd motorway dim 0 un 1 Dau 2 Tri 3 Pedwar 4 Pump 5 Chwech 6 Saith 7 Wyth ...