NURS 216
University Of Saint Joseph
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NURS 216 - Patho Exam 2 Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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NURS 216 - Patho Exam 2 Study Guide/NURS 216 - Patho Exam 2 Study Guide. 
1.	Identify the characteristics of bacteria, viruses and fungi. (Infection Notes and slides) 
2.	Identify the stages of disease progression from portal of entry to resolution. (Infection Notes) 
3.	Distinguish between gram positive, gram negative, and aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. 
4.	Identify the components and normal/abnormal values of a complete blood count. 
5.	Identify the role of fever in an infection. 
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