Reflective Journal (HUM106)
Strayer University
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HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1 - Britney Blume 2020 | HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
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HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1 - Britney Blume 2020 – Strayer University
Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
By: Britney C. Blume
Professor: Casey Schmidt
HUM 106 Experience of Modern Art
Date: April 19, 2020
Art has always been a passion of mine since I was in elementary school. It was a way for me to create whatever I wanted without any limitations or restrictions. Trips to art museums through school or with my family were always fun adventures for me. One of m...
HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1 - Britney Blume 2020 | HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art
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HUM 106 Reflective Journal 1 - Britney Blume 2020 – Strayer University Reflective Journal 1: My Experience with Art By: Britney C. Blume Professor: Casey Schmidt Course: HUM 106 Experience of Modern Art Date: April 19, 2020 Art has always been a passion of mine since I was in elementary school. It was a way for me to create whatever I wanted without any limitations or restrictions. Trips to art museums through school or with my family were always fun adventures for me. One of m...
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