SCI 228 10 SCI 228 10

Devry University

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SCI-228 Week 1 Discussion: The Digestive System | Already Graded A+
  • SCI-228 Week 1 Discussion: The Digestive System | Already Graded A+

  • Presentation • 23 pages • 2021
  • Disponible en pack
  • SCI-228 Week 1 Discussion: The Digestive System Week 1 discussion Class -Please define the following and identify their location along the digestive tract! Esophageal sphincter Gastroesophageal sphincter (sometimes referred to as the lower esophageal sphincter) Pyloric sphincter Ileo-cecal valve Why are these important along the route of the digestive tract? Esophageal sphincter- In upper esophageal sphincter. A sphincter that keeps the opening between the pharynx and the proximal esophagus clos...
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