Adjuster Pro Florida
Florida A&M University
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value pack for Adjuster Exams Compilation with complete solutions | verified
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All of the following are criteria for an accident to have occurred "in the course of" the
employment under a workers' compensation policy, EXCEPT: - ANSWER While
performing a task that a fellow worker requested, that was unusual to the employee's job
description, but occurred on the employer's premises during working hours.
Which of the following s
Adjuster Pro - Florida Certified Adjuster Glossary| 260 QUESTIONS| 19 PAGES
- Exam (elaborations) • 19 pages • 2023
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Accumulated Depreciation Correct Answer: The total decrease in an item's value over a period of time. Formula: (Annual Depreciation x Number of years used) Actual Cash Value (ACV) Correct Answer: A valuation method used by insurers to reflect an item's current market value right before being damaged or destroyed. Formula: (Replacement cost - Accumulated Depreciation) Adhesion Correct Answer: One of the characteristics of an insurance contract. Means that one party (the insurer) sets the term...
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