CHM 2211 (CHM 2211)
Florida Atlantic University
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Detailed, cute notes. I went to almost every lecture, and I ended with an A in the course, using these notes that I made. Also includes reviews and chapter summaries.

Florida Atlantic University - CHM 2211CHM2211_Practice Final-1.
- Examen • 23 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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1. Which of these compounds could not be formed by nucleophilic attack by an appropriate reagent on acetyl chloride? 2. The product of the following reaction would be: Page 13. Predict the maj or organic product of the reaction sequence, 4. The product of the following reaction is: Page 25. A compound with the molecular formula C5H10O2 gave the following 1H NMR spectrum: The IR spectrum showed a strong absorption band near 1740 cm-1. The most likely structure for the compound is: 6. Intramolecul...

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