NUR NUR 3227 (NUR3227)
Florida International University
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vSim #1 Stan checketts evaluations and explained 100% CORRECT Fall -2021 LATEST SOLUTION GUARANTEED GRADE A+
- Other • 4 pages • 2021
- $7.99
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Pre-Sim Quiz 
Q: Most common Cause for bowel obstruction: 
A: Adhesions 
Q: Reflux Vomitting can lead to: 
A: Metabolic Alkalosis 
Q: Abdominal pain described would cause nure to suspect sall bowel obstruction A: Colicky, Crampy 
Q: Untreated small bowel obstruction can lead to 
A: Hypovolemia (A condition in which the liquid portion of the blood (plasma) is too low.) 
Q: Initial treatment for small bowel obstruction 
A: Decompression of bowel via NGT (relieve pressure and calm intestine) Q: D...
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