ZOO 3603C (ZOO 3603C)
Florida International University
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Embryology exam 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $10.00
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Embryology exam 1.....................4.	What is the cavity within a secondary follicle? 
a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum 
5-	What is the main hormone which stimulates the growth of the follicles and the production of estrogen by the follicular cells? 
a. FSH	b. LH	c. HCG	d. Estrogen e. Progesterone 
6-	What is the female organ called where gametogenesis occurs? 
a. Oogenesis b. Ovary	c. Ovulation d. Oocyte 
7-	Which stage of the folli...
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