NUR3465 Maternity

Florida National University

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NUR3465 Maternity Review Test 3 2022. GRADED A
  • NUR3465 Maternity Review Test 3 2022. GRADED A

  • Examen • 48 páginas • 2022
  • 1- Why we administer Vitamin K? Prophylactic treatment of newborns with intramuscular vitamin K has been the standard of care for decades in the United States. Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin, promotes blood clotting by increasing the synthesis of prothrombin by the liver. A deficiency of this vitamin delays clotting and might lead to hemorrhage. •Vitamin K: 0.5 to 1 mg of Vitamin K IM is given soon to prevent Hemorrhage disease of the newborn. Infant produce Vitamin K in the gastrointe...
  • $16.49
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