CCJ4938 (CCJ4938)
Florida State University
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CCJ4938 - When Justice Fails Chapter 1
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $5.49
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These notes cover the first chapter of "When Justice Fails: Causes and Consequences of Wrongful Convictions" by Norris, Bonventre, and Acker. These notes were taken meticulously and cover everything that might be needed from this chapter. Each chapter begins with a case study, and these notes provide a summary of that case study in order to save time and get directly to the point.

CCJ4938 - When Justice Fails Chapter 2
- Textbook notes • 5 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $5.49
- 2x sold
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These notes cover the second chapter of "When Justice Fails: Causes and Consequences of Wrongful Convictions" by Norris, Bonventre, and Acker. These notes were taken meticulously and cover everything that might be needed from this chapter. Each chapter begins with a case study, and these notes provide a summary of that case study in order to save time and get directly to the point.

CCJ4938 - When Justice Fails Chapter 3
- Textbook notes • 8 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $5.49
- 1x sold
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These notes cover the third chapter of "When Justice Fails: Causes and Consequences of Wrongful Convictions" by Norris, Bonventre, and Acker. These notes were taken meticulously and cover everything that might be needed from this chapter. Each chapter begins with a case study, and these notes provide a summary of that case study in order to save time and get directly to the point.

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