Keiser University
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- Case • 12 pages • 2023
- $14.49
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Cirrhosis CIRRHOSIS-CASE-STUDY-HELP John Richards, 45 years old Primary Concept Nutrition Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 1. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 2. Perfusion 3. Cognition 4. Addiction 5. Clinical Judgment 6. Patient Education 7. Communication 8. Collaboration © 2016 Keith Rischer/ UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT Cirrhosis History of Present Problem: John Richards is a 45-year-old male who presents to the emergency departmen...

CIRRHOSIS-CASE-STUDY-HELP/John Richards, 45 Years Old
- Case • 12 pages • 2023
- $16.48
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Cirrhosis CIRRHOSIS-CASE-STUDY-HELP John Richards, 45 years old Primary Concept Nutrition Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 1. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 2. Perfusion 3. Cognition 4. Addiction 5. Clinical Judgment 6. Patient Education 7. Communication 8. Collaboration © 2016 Keith Rischer/ UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT Cirrhosis History of Present Problem: John Richards is a 45-year-old male who pre...

CIRRHOSIS-CASE-STUDY-HELP/John Richards, 45 Years Old
- Case • 12 pages • 2022
- $13.00
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CIRRHOSIS-CASE-STUDY-HELP John Richards, 45 years old Primary Concept Nutrition Interrelated Concepts (In order of emphasis) 1. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 2. Perfusion 3. Cognition 4. Addiction 5. Clinical Judgment 6. Patient Education 7. Communication 8. Collaboration © 2016 Keith Rischer/ UNFOLDING Reasoning Case Study: STUDENT Cirrhosis History of Present Problem: John Richards is a 45-year-old male who presents to the emergency department (ED) with a...

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