NUR 2349 (NUR2349)
Rasmussen College
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Colostomy Care Plan
- Other • 1 pages • 2021
- $4.99
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Educate the patient on hand hygiene to prevent infection. 
Teach the patient about the signs and symptoms of infection or dehydration and when to call the doctor. Teach the patient how to properly change the pouch and wafer, protect the skin around the stoma and general care. 
Educate the patient about the medications being taken and to complete all medications as prescribed even if feeling better. 
Teach the patient to attend all follow up appointments and lab testing. 
Educate patient to seek ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2021
- $9.99
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•	Differentiate between an allergic reaction and side effects of medications 
o Angioedema 
o Stridor is the audible symptom produced by the rapid turbulent flow of air through a narrowed segment of the respiratory tract. 
•	Antigen: Molecule that can bind with a specific antibody 
o	Primary lymphoid organs: Bone marrow and thymus gland because lymphocytes develop and mature within them. 
▪	Bone Marrow: 
•	Like all blood cells, leukocytes originate from the bo...

NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review Test Bank.
- Exam (elaborations) • 61 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review Test Bank/NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review Test Bank. 
1 out of 1 points 
Which dietary adjustments does the nurse recommend to an older 
adult client asking what changes she should institute to prevent or 
manage constipation? 
“Include plenty of 
Older adults are prone to constipation. To manage or 
prevent constipation, teach the older client to drink 
eight glasses of water daily and to take in plenty of fib...

NUR 2349 - Exam 3 Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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NUR 2349 - Exam 3 Study Guide/NUR 2349 - Exam 3 Study Guide. 
Things to know and review: 
Chapter 41: Immunity 
Immune System has three duties: 
 Defend the body from invaders 
 Identify body’s cells and monitor for any neoplasms (tumor cells) 
 Maintaining homeostasis by removing cellular waste 
Innate (Natural): Immunity that is present at birth and develops regardless of exposure. 
Acquired (adaptive or specific): Immunity that is not present and develops as a result of 
exposure o...

NUR 2349 - EXAM 1 GUIDE.
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- $14.49
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NUR 2349 - EXAM 1 GUIDE/NUR 2349 - EXAM 1 GUIDE. 
- Metabolic disease that causes poor & delayed mineralization of the bone cells in mature bones 
- Main cause is a Vitamin D deficiency 
Diagnostic procedures for Osteomalacia 
Serum calcium, phosphate, vitamin D, BUN, creatinine, bone densitometry x-rays 
Symptoms of Osteomalacia 
Generalized skeletal pain & tenderness without a history of injury (hips are the most common 
Reluctant to ambulate 
Low back pain 
Pain in the ...

NUR 2349 - Exam 2 Study Guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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NUR 2349 - Exam 2 Study Guide/NUR 2349 - Exam 2 Study Guide. 
Assessment of GI 
o Obtain a nursing history 
 Determine what is normal for your client 
 Use language that makes the client comfortable 
 Ask about medications that are used (constipation could be caused by these) 
o Perform a physical examination focused on elimination 
 Exam the abdomen, rectum and anus 
 Observe the size, shape, and contour of the abdomen, and listen to bowel 

NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review.
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review/NUR 2349 - Final Exam Review. 
Safety and Mobility 
1. Name signs and symptoms of prolonged immobility. 
a. Decreased appetite, slowing of peristalsis, blood pooling in lower extremities, 
and decreased circulating fluid volume, and low BP. 
2. A patient is seemingly violent, where do you position yourself for safety? 
a. Between the door and patient. 
3. In order to keep an infant warm, what is the best intervention? 
a. Hat 
4. Pressure Ulcer Results from...?

- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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Chapter 11: Signs and symptoms of inflammation 
It is characterized by the common phenomena known to all of redness, swelling, 
heat, and pain. The outcome of this process is the loss of function in the injured 
area. Each of these common signs of inflammation is directly related to the 
physiological events that occur. The redness and heat are caused by the 
increased blood flow to the injured area in response to the chemicals released...

NUR 2349 - Med Surg Exam 1 guide.
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $11.99
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NUR 2349 - Med Surg Exam 1 guide/NUR 2349 - Med Surg Exam 1 guide. 
Joint Commission 
 Accrediting body for healthcare facilities 
 Publishes the National Patient Safety Goals 
Developing factors that affect safety 
o MVA’s are leading cause of death for children ages 1-3 
o Drowning, chocking (highest 6 months-3 yrs), SIDS 
o MVA’s are major cause of accidental death 
o Drowning, fries, poisoning 
o Falls are major cause of nonfatal injuries >...

NUR 2349 - Exam 1 Review.
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2021
- $12.99
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NUR 2349 - Exam 1 Review/NUR 2349 - Exam 1 Review. 
1. What is the QSEN that recognizes the patient or designee as the source of control 
and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect 
for patient’s preferences, values, and needs? 
Patient-centered care 
2. What is the QSEN that functions effectively within nursing and inter-professional 
teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making 
to achieve quality patient care? 

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