BB RN Community Health Online Practice 2019 B
Sistema Universitario Ana G Mendez
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BB RN Community Health Online Practice 2019 B.docx | LATEST FALL | RATED A
- Examen • 12 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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Community Practice B RN Community Health Online Practice 2019 B A public health nurse is planning a community health promotion program for hypertension prevention. Which of the following intervention s should the nurse include as a tertiary prevention strategy? Provide education about risk factors for hypertension. Conduct a hypertension screening clinic for the community. Teach clients who have a family history of hypertension how to monitor blood pressure. Implement an exercise program for cli...
BB RN Community Health Online Practice 2019 B.docx | LATEST FALL | RATED A
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Community Practice B RN Community Health Online Practice 2019 B A public health nurse is planning a community health promotion program for hypertension prevention. Which of the following intervention s should the nurse include as a tertiary prevention strategy? Provide education about risk factors for hypertension. Conduct a hypertension screening clinic for the community. Teach clients who have a family history of hypertension how to monitor blood pressure. Implement an exercise program for cli...
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