NURSING 350 Robert i human whyte (NURSING350)
South University
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NURSING 350 Robert i human whyte
- Autre • 3 pages • 2021
- $5.49
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Robert Rose is 17-year-old athletic Caucasian male who presents to the ED with a 6-hour 
hx of chest pain, accompanied by palpitations, SOB, and fever. Patient has no significant PHM. 
Chest pain is described as deep dull achy 7/10 pain located midsternal w/o radiation. Pain started 
while resting on his couch 6 hrs ago. Does not have alleviating or aggravating factors. Patient 
also with c/o recent URI 1 week ago that preceded his current symptoms. On exam patient with 
tachycardia, tachypnea, ...
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