CS 255
Springwood Elementary School
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Stanford UniversityCS 255hw2-sol CS255: Cryptography and Computer Security Winter 2010 Assignment #2: Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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CS255: Cryptography and Computer Security Winter 2010 Assignment #2: Solutions Problem 1 Suppose we can find two message/hash pairs (M1; h(M1)) and (M2; h(M2)) such that M1 6= M2 and h(M1) = h(M2) . Then, there exists two distinct Merkle hash trees T1 and T2 whose outputs are identical. We can find a collision for the compression function using a top-down side-by-side comparison of our two tree’s, looking across trees for a case where the outputs of f are the same, but the inputs differ. Start...
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