NRNP 6645 1 Week 11 Final Exam
Walden University
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NRNP 6645-1 Week 11 Final Exam (Summer 2021), All A Grad Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 71 pages • 2022
- $40.49
- 11x sold
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NRNP-6645-1- Psychotherapy with Multiple Modalities: 
1.	Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse encourages a patient with gambling addiction to develop a relapse prevention plan. Which of the following is true about a relapse prevention plan? 
2.	Question: Which of the following is consistent with the psychotherapeutic approach used by existential psychotherapists? 
3.	Question: According to Dearing, Stuewig, and Tangney (2005), understanding the difference between guilt and shame a...
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