Firefighter HAZMAT OPS
Atlanta Fire Academy
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Firefighter 1 & 2 Bundled Exams with complete solutions All exam versions and study guides verified
- Pack • 20 éléments • 2023
- $36.49
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What style of leadership does the fire department use? Ans: Paramilitary

Three out of four career firefighters work in jurisdictions with a population of ________________ or more. Ans: 25,000

How old is the practice of having fire departments? Ans: It goes back to ancient Rome, about 2000 years ago.

Firefighter HAZMAT OPS Practice Test 1 actual exam test questions 100% verified answers
- Examen • 6 pages • 2023
- Disponible en pack
- $7.99
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Firefighter HAZMAT OPS Practice Test 1 
The piping for the ____________ contained outside of the tank, usually on the ends, 
with a manhole on top of the tank. 
a) IM 101 
b) IM 102 
c) IM 105 
d) IM 107 - b) IM 102 
The statement, "Keep Away from Waterways," is found on a pesticide label. This 
statement is referred to as a/an: 
a) Signal Word 
b) Hazard Statement 
c) Pest Control Product Warning 
d) Incompatibility Statement - b) Hazard Statement 
The vehicle pictured below is an: 
a) MC 331...

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