MGMT 3135
Columbus State University
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Managing Work Flows and Conducting Job Analysis
- College aantekeningen • 9 pagina's • 2024
- $7.99
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Chapter 2 on Managing Work Flows and Conducting Job Analysis explores essential aspects of organizational design and job management crucial for optimizing productivity and employee satisfaction. 
Work Flow and Organizational Structure: 
Work flow refers to how tasks are organized to achieve organizational goals. Organizational structures like flat, hierarchical, and boundaryless impact communication, decision-making, and flexibility within companies. Each structure suits different business env...

Ch 1: Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resources Challenges
- College aantekeningen • 7 pagina's • 2024
- $7.99
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Chapter 1 of "Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resources Challenges" provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts in human resources (HR) management, focusing on types of employees, HR strategy, challenges, organizational culture, strategic HR policies, HR fit with organizational structures, environment, characteristics, capabilities, and HR audit. 
Types of Employees: The chapter categorizes employees into managers, line employees directly involved in production or service ...

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