NRSG 533
Emory University School Of Medicine
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Emory University NRSG 533 Exam 1 Blueprint Adult and Gero QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
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Fluid and Electrolytes - 17 questions 
(# in parenthesis next to objective) 
1. Identify body fluid compartments and summarize the movement of fluids (and 
electrolytes) throughout the compartments (1) 
- Hydrostatic Pressure (Capillary Filtration) 
- highest at arterial end (30 mmHg), lowest at venous (10 mmHg) 
- Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (Capillary Oncotic) 
- highest at venous end (28 mmHg) 
- Interstitial hydrostatic pressure 
- pushes fluid back into capillary 
- Interstitial...

Emory University NRSG 533 Exam 1 Blueprint Adult and Gero QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.99
- + learn more
Fluid and Electrolytes - 17 questions 
(# in parenthesis next to objective) 
1. Identify body fluid compartments and summarize the movement of fluids (and 
electrolytes) throughout the compartments (1) 
- Hydrostatic Pressure (Capillary Filtration) 
- highest at arterial end (30 mmHg), lowest at venous (10 mmHg) 
- Colloidal Osmotic Pressure (Capillary Oncotic) 
- highest at venous end (28 mmHg) 
- Interstitial hydrostatic pressure 
- pushes fluid back into capillary 
- Interstitial...

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