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Dental Assistant Practice Exam with answer KEY and explanation | 100% correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 25 pages • 2022
- $16.39
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Dental Assistant Practice Exam 
General Chair side Assistance 
1. A permanent dentition consists of how many teeth? 
 a. 28 
 b. 30 
 c. 32 
 d. 26 
2. Which teeth are sometimes called the "eye" teeth? 
 a. Premolars 
 b. Canines 
 c. Incisors 
 d. Bicuspids 
3. Which proximal surface of a tooth is closest toward the midline of the body? 
 a. Occlusal 
 b. Facial 
 c. Incisal 
 d. Mesial 
4. A permanent dentition consists of how many premolars? 
 a. 4 
 b. 8 
 c. 12
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