CSTU 101 (CSTU 101)
Liberty University
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CSTU 101-Quiz 5-Chp 14 questions correctly answered
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Quiz 5-Chp 14 
Synthesis - correct answer Different cultural elements—values and institutions—will come together to synthesize something completely new, and the "something new" that's being created here is obviously medieval culture. 
3 distinct backgrounds being synthesized in the Middle Ages: - correct answer 1) Christian Background 
2) heritage leftover from fall of Roman Empire- political and legal institutions(same latin language) 
3) the influx of Germanic and Celtic tr...

CSTU 101-Quiz 5-Chp 15 questions with answers rated A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Quiz 5-Chp 15The period of adjustment and synthesis in the early Middle Ages would lead inevitably to a period of cultural balance - correct answer We call this period the High Middle Ages or the late Middle Ages, from about 1000 A.D. to 1400 or 1500 
"balance" - correct answer A period of balance is achieved when all of the institutions within that culture coalesce around a common worldview held by a majority of the population for a long period of time. 
Gothic Architecture - cor...

CSTU 101-Quiz 6-Chp 17 questions with answers
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CSTU 101-Quiz 6-Chp 17Renaissance - correct answer -period of cultural "rebirth" (portal into modern age) 
-it was a great historical problem 
~A historical problem is a set of circumstances so complex that it defies easy explanation. 
Textbook definition of *Renaissance* - correct answer The Renaissance was a great cultural movement that brought about a period of scientific revolution and artistic transformation at the dawn of modern European history. 
"Scientific Revolution" - correct...

CSTU 101-Quiz 6-Chp 18 questions well answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Quiz 6-Chp 18painting "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli in 1482 - correct answer there is a revival of interest in classical themes (able to explore new styles and subject matter with a completely new set of ideas and values) 
-Venus is a classical goddess 
~This is a depiction of a mythological birth, and here she emerges from the ocean riding onto land on an open clamshell. 
comparing Virgin Mary with Venus (similarities) - correct answer 1) oval shape to the head 
2) sli...

CSTU 101 Liberty University -CSTU 101-Quiz 7-Chp 19 verified/passed
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2024
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CSTU 101-Quiz 7-Chp 19The Renaissance - correct answer The Renaissance was best understood as a kind of wave that swept from South to North over these 200 years. () 
-started in the South, with Italy (1400) 
-as we move North-started at 1600-see Shakespeare writing plays-Northern Re. occurs at dead end of the "Renaissance period" 
Comparison of North and South (Italy) Renaissance: 1) South - correct answer -Italian Renaissance=more secular in tone and nature, more humanistic, subject matter ...

CSTU 101-Quiz 7-Chp 20 fully solved
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CSTU 101-Quiz 7-Chp 20seventeenth century - correct answer The seventeenth century is sometimes called "a century of genius." 
~This was the century of Milton and Galileo, Cervantes and Descartes. 
-Rise of the Scientific Revolution 
Scientific Revolution - correct answer 
-1550 (year Copernicus said we are just a planet going around the sun) "New Science" 
-1700- life of Isaac Newton (greatest scientist of western history along with Einstein) whole mechanical model of universe with phys...

CSTU EXAM questions well answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2024
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CSTU EXAMWorld War I - correct answer Leaves over nine million dead 
The Russian Revolution and Communism - correct answer -Also called the Bolshevik revolution -the "Russian Social Democratic Party" 
-Led by Vladimir Lenin—succeeded by Joseph Stalin, who undertook a massive industrialization scheme 
World War II - correct answer -Marked by the rise of Adolf Hitler and Fascism in Germany 
-Leaves between 50-80 million dead 
-Leads to the lingering effects of Atomic warfare and the memory...

CSTU FINAL EXAM with 100% correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2024
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CSTU FINAL EXAMMaterialism - correct answer the belief that science, technology, and industry can know all truth, solve all problems, and create human happiness 
Utilitarianism - correct answer the philosophical belief that moral good lies in the greatest happiness for the greatest number 
Natural selection - correct answer species survived in nature depending on how well they adapted to scarcity or threat 
Realism - correct answer truthful and objective representation of the social world,...

CSTU 101 Liberty University -CSTU Quiz 4 fully solved
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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CSTU Quiz 4Scholars believe that the Minoan civilization was almost nearly destroyed by a natural disaster in which year? - correct answer 1628 B.C. 
Which Old Testament nation may have had a connection to the Minoan civilization? - correct answer Philistines 
Which of the following Old Testament people was Indo-European? - correct answer Hittites 
What was the critical type of evidence that allowed historians to reconstruct the Indo-European people? - correct answer linguistic evidence 

CSTU Quiz 12 well answered graded A+
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2024
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CSTU Quiz 12A variant of the "swastika" symbol is associated with which figure in early Christian painting? - correct answer Moses 
It is not uncommon to see motifs and images in early Christian art that were adapted from pagan contexts. - correct answer True 
What are three qualities that led to the "success" of early Christianity, as noted by a British historian? - correct answer exclusiveness, inclusiveness, other-worldliness 
The boat was a common image in early Christian art that ...

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