Liberty University
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Straighterline Philosophy exam 2 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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What do Pyrrhonic skeptics maintain? correct answer: People should suspend judgment about all things. 
Which view did Aquinas accept? correct answer: A physical thing is matter plus form. 
Which ancient philosophical tradition did Plotinus represent? correct answer: Neoplatonism 
What do Pyrrhonic skeptics maintain? correct answer: People should suspend judgment about all things. 
What did Aquinas maintain concerning the human soul? correct answer: It is a direct creation of God. 
Straighterline Philosophy exam 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023
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What does Aristotle mean by the efficient cause of a thing? CORRECT ANSWERS: Where it came from. 
Which is a theme common to all the pre-Socratics? CORRECT ANSWERS: The experienced world is a manifestation of a more fundamental underlying reality. 
What did the Atomists do? CORRECT ANSWERS: They distinguished between atomic properties and relational properties. 
How are the Forms apprehended, according to Plato? CORRECT ANSWERS: By reason. 
What did Aristotle say about all change? C...
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2021
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MILESTONE QUESTION 1 TO QUESTION 25. 1 Select the statement that would most likely have been made by Aristotle. “New things do not come into existence; rather, things change their organizatio n.” “What is true is always true, independent of wisdom, language, or knowledge.” “We must begin with the world we encounter every day, rather than with the abstraction of metaphysics.” “The world is unchanging and eternal, which conflicts with the illusion that life is neither...
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