BUSN 6081 (MGT342)
Thomas University
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Final Paper HRM MGT342
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
- $11.15
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final Paper with topic "Recruitment in Human Resource Management". In this essay there are abstract, introduction, development of the topic, personal thoughts and conclusions. There is also the References page, anti plagiarism. 
What recruitment is and how it works is explained in detail, analyzing it through history up to the 2000s with the use of the internet to recruit new employees (E-recruting). Also explained in detail the various steps of recruiting. 
Excellent for a final paper on busi...
Midterm exam Human Resource management
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
- $8.04
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Document with 4 questions and their relative answers, used the textbook for the answers, without plagiarism, with reference. 
These are the questions included in the paper: 
1. . It has often been said that people don't leave bad companies; people leave bad bosses. What can managers do to enhance employee retention? 
2. . In making the business case for work-life programmes, what points would you emphasise? Why? 
3. It has been said that diversity only endures when it is baked into the way a co...
Final Company Project BUS 205
- Essay • 9 pages • 2022
- $11.26
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In this paper a company is analysed, the objective of the document is to analyze the past history of the company, the leadership of who was CEO of the company and to analyze a good and poor ethical decision, also analyzing the situation financial situation of the company in the last decade, at the end of the document a personal opinion on what has been analyzed is also given.
Thompson Rivers UniversityBUSN 6081Blackberry Assignment The Rise, the Fall, and the Revamps
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021
- $13.49
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Case Study 3 BlackBerry: The Rise, the Fall, and the Revamps BUSN 6081- Strategic Management Thompson Rivers University Submitted to Dr. Mohammad Mohiuddin November 10, 2019 The Rise, the Fall , and the Revamps Page 1 1. How do firms rise in the midst of fierce competition? 2. How can strategic leaders be successful in an industry like the smartphone industry? 3. How does increased competition affect a business as seen in the BlackBerry case? 4. Suggest some actions that BlackBerry should have t...
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