NSG302 (NSG/302 WEEK 4 - PICO Question)
University Of Phoenix
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NSG302 Week 5 Report on Progress presentation
- Presentation • 16 pages • 2021
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WEEK 5 - Report on Progress 
Assignment Content 
1.	You have been tasked by your Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) to provide a report and present to the board of directors about how your organization is transforming based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) recommendations in high-profile reports. 
Review the HMD reports. 
Determine which recommendations directly affect how nurses provide care at the bedside. 
Research quality indicators at the organization where you practice, one in your co...

NSG302 Week 5 Discussion - Community Needs
- Other • 3 pages • 2021
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WEEK 5 DISCUSSION - Community Needs [due Thurs] 
Discussion Topic 
Due Thursday 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
•	What are the major health care issues in your community or state? 
•	What are some of the potential solutions to these issues? 
•	How might you become involved in implementing these solutions? 
•	Please support your response with evidence to the weekly readings. Use your own words! Include the source for your response at the end of your response.

NSG/302 WEEK 4 - PICO Question Essay
- Essay • 8 pages • 2021
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WEEK 4 - PICO Question 
Assignment Content 
Recall the Case Study from week 2: 
You are a staff nurse working in an intensive care unit and assigned to care for a 75-year-old man who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery four days ago. The patient has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbated by heavy smoking. His postoperative course has been difficult, and he has suffered a number of setbacks. Staff members, despite their diligent efforts, have not been able ...

NSG302 Week 1 Baccalaureate Self-Reflection
- Other • 4 pages • 2021
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Complete the Baccalaureate Self-Reflection worksheet. Do NOT create your own template. Use the one provided. 
Cite at least two scholarly articles to support your self-assessment and include them in your references at the end of your template. Copy and paste the "Baccalaureate Self-Reflection" grading rubric on the final page or your assignment. 
Submit your assignment.

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