NURSING NUR/590B Medical Surgical Nursing 7th
University Of Phoenix
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Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Test Bank 7TH Editon/Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Test Bank 7TH Editon

NURSING NUR/590B_University of Phoenix Medical surgical nursing 7th Edition All Chapters Correct Questions And Answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 1192 pages • 2021
- $30.49
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Medical surgical nursing 7th 
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 
Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing 
Test Bank 
1. Which action demonstrates that the nurse understands the purpose of the Rapid Response Team? 
a.	Monitoring the client for changes in postoperative status such as wound infection 
b.	Documenting all changes observed in the client and maintaining a postoperative flow sheet 
c.	Notifying the physician of the client’s change in bl...

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