Ethics & Moral Reasoning Sophia (PHI 208)
Ashford University
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Sophia-Ancient Greek Philosophers Unit 1 Milestone 1-PHI 208 -Ethics & Moral Reasoning|Questions and Elaborated Awnsers|100%
- Examen • 6 pages • 2021
- $16.04
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1. Which of the following statements about the metaphysical tenets of Plato’s Doctrine of the Forms is FALSE? There is a cause and effect relationship between Forms and their earthly counterparts. The Forms exist in an intellectual realm that is fixed and never-ending. Perfection in the Forms does not exist in Platonic Heaven. Forms must exist in order for knowledge to be possible. 2Which of the following statements about the Crito is FALSE? Following the advice of experts ...
Sophia-Ancient Greek Philosophers Unit 1 Milestone 1-PHI 208 -Ethics & Moral Reasoning|Questions and Elaborated Awnsers|100%
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1. Which of the following statements about the metaphysical tenets of Plato’s Doctrine of the Forms is FALSE? There is a cause and effect relationship between Forms and their earthly counterparts. The Forms exist in an intellectual realm that is fixed and never-ending. Perfection in the Forms does not exist in Platonic Heaven. Forms must exist in order for knowledge to be possible. 2Which of the following statements about the Crito is FALSE? Following the advice of experts ...
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