venom russel
Mercy College Of Health Sciences
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Vernon Russell Vsim/ NURS 3212 VSIM
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $7.49
- + learn more
Right-sided stroke 
1 85% 
Feedback Log 
0:00 You arrived at the patient's side. 
0:00 You reviewed the patient information. 0:00 You reviewed the patient log. 
0:00 You reviewed the diagnostics. 
0:00 You reviewed the clinical observations. 0:00 You reviewed the MAR. 
0:00 You reviewed the orders. 
0:00 You reviewed the intake and output. 
0:10 Patient status - ECG: Sinus rhythm. Heart rate: 96. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 133/80 mm Hg. Respiration: 12. Consciou...
Vernon Russell Vsim/ NURS 3212 VSIM
- Case • 5 pages • 2021
- $7.49
- + learn more
Right-sided stroke 
1 85% 
Feedback Log 
0:00 You arrived at the patient's side. 
0:00 You reviewed the patient information. 0:00 You reviewed the patient log. 
0:00 You reviewed the diagnostics. 
0:00 You reviewed the clinical observations. 0:00 You reviewed the MAR. 
0:00 You reviewed the orders. 
0:00 You reviewed the intake and output. 
0:10 Patient status - ECG: Sinus rhythm. Heart rate: 96. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 133/80 mm Hg. Respiration: 12. Consciou...
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