NR 511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum (NR NR509)
Chamberlain College Of Nursng
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NR 222 Exam 2, (New) With Complete Questions and Answers (GRADED A), NR 509 Week 6 Pediatric SOAP Note, Summer 2020 Revision G,NR 511 Week 5 Quiz (Spring 2020
- Package deal • 3 items • 2021
- $16.39
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The nurse incorporates cultural considerations into the health teaching plan by: • Assessing a person's beliefs. • Using medical terminology • Presenting evidence-based information. Information the patient or patient representative told you O: Objective – Information gathered during the physical examination by inspection, palpation, auscultation, A
NR 511 Week 5 Quiz (Spring 2020),Attempt Score;100%
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
- 1x sold
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NR 511 Week 5 Quiz (Spring 2020) 1. Question: A 55-year-old female presents to the clinic with complaints of left hand and wrist pain and swelling after a slip and fall on the ice yesterday. On examination, the clinician notes tenderness at the “anatomical snuffbox.” This finding most likely indicates which of the following? 2. Question: A 28-year-old male presents to the clinic for follow-up from the emergency department, where he was seen for right forearm pain 3 days ago. He works as a ca...
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