NR 228 Nutrition (NR228)
Devry University-Chicago
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NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
- $12.49
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NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023 
Food preference 
Those foods we choose to eat when all foods are available at the same time and in the same quantity. Determined by genetic and environmental effects. 
Food choice 
This concerns the specific foods that are convenient to choose when we are actually ready to eat; rarely are all our preferred foods available at the same time to satisfy our preferences. These are restricted by convenience. 
Food liking 
Considers what food we really like t...

NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- $12.49
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NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023 
Food preference 
Those foods we choose to eat when all foods are available at the same time and in the same quantity. Determined by genetic and environmental effects. 
Food choice 
This concerns the specific foods that are convenient to choose when we are actually ready to eat; rarely are all our preferred foods available at the same time to satisfy our preferences. These are restricted by convenience. 
Food liking 
Considers what food we really like t...

NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023 
Food preference 
Those foods we choose to eat when all foods are available at the same time and in the same quantity. Determined by genetic and environmental effects. 
Food choice 
This concerns the specific foods that are convenient to choose when we are actually ready to eat; rarely are all our preferred foods available at the same time to satisfy our preferences. These are restricted by convenience. 
Food liking 
Considers what food we really like t...

NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2022
- $10.49
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NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Summer 2022/2023 
Food preference 
Those foods we choose to eat when all foods are available at the same time and in the same quantity. Determined by genetic and environmental effects. 
Food choice 
This concerns the specific foods that are convenient to choose when we are actually ready to eat; rarely are all our preferred foods available at the same time to satisfy our preferences. These are restricted by convenience. 
Food liking 
Considers what food we really like t...
NR 228-Nutrition Exam 1 Distinction level solution guide; latest 2022/2023

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