NR 446 DKA Case Study part 2

Devry University

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DKA Case Study part 2 GRADED A PLUS
  • DKA Case Study part 2 GRADED A PLUS

  • Fallstudie • 15 Seiten • 2021
  • Diana Humphries is a 45-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease stage III and diabetes mellitus type1 who checks her blood sugar daily, or whenever she feels like it. She has been feeling increasingly nauseated the past 12 hours. She has had a harsh, productive cough of yellow sputum the past three days. She checked her blood glucose before going to bed last night and it was 382, but then she fell asleep early and missed her bedtime dose of glargine (Lantus) insulin. When she awoke this ...
  • oliver001
  • $17.49
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