Illinois Central College
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Chapter 6: Health and Wellness google_ad_section_start Potter & Perry: Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th Edition Test Bank
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
- $9.49
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1. When formulating a definition of “health,” the nurse should consider 
that health, within its current definition, is: 
1 The absence of disease 
2 A function of the physiological state 
3 The ability to pursue activities of daily living 
4 A state of well-being involving the whole person 
ANS: 4 
When formulating a definition of “health,” a person should consider the 
total person, as well as the environment in which the person lives. 
Health generally implies a state of well-being th...
Chapter 6: Health and Wellness google_ad_section_start Potter & Perry: Fundamentals of Nursing, 7th Edition Test Bank
- Exam (elaborations) • 20 pages • 2023
- $10.49
- + learn more
1. When formulating a definition of “health,” the nurse should consider 
that health, within its current definition, is: 
1 The absence of disease 
2 A function of the physiological state 
3 The ability to pursue activities of daily living 
4 A state of well-being involving the whole person 
ANS: 4 
When formulating a definition of “health,” a person should consider the 
total person, as well as the environment in which the person lives. 
Health generally implies a state...
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