NUR 239 ATI NCLEX style case scenario: safety with acetaminophen (NUR239)
Illinois State University
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ATI NCLEX style case scenario: safety with acetaminophen Individual project; Mrs. Goodman, (already graded A)
- Case • 3 pages • 2021
- $8.49
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ATI NCLEX style case scenario: safety with acetaminophen Individual project 
Learning objectives: 
1.	Identify the nursing actions essential to administer acetaminophen safely. 
2.	Describe the effects of an acetaminophen overdose. 
3.	Explain what actions a nurse should take if an acetaminophen overdose occurs. 
1.	After viewing the ATI video case study on Medication Administration Safety, complete the following questions using the Frandsen & Pennington pharm text or Davis Dr...
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