Behavioral Med EOR
Kaplan University
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Behavioral Med EOR - from Objectives Study Guide| 220 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2022
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- $12.49
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Is trichotillomania more common in men or women? Correct Answer: Women 
What comorbid psych conditions are seen with trichotillomania? Correct Answer: OCD, MDD, excoriation disorder 
Which SSRI is indicated for bulimia? Correct Answer: Fluoxetine (Prozac) 
What is the difference between dyssomnias and parasomnias? Correct Answer: Dyssomnia = insufficient, excessive, or altered timing of sleep 
Parasomnia = unusual sleep-related behaviors 
What is the length of Sx requirement for the ...
Behavioral Med EOR - from Lecture Notes| 176 questions| with complete solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
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- $12.49
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A pervasive and sustained feeling tone that is experienced internally and that influences a person's behavior and perception of the world Correct Answer: Mood 
The pt's present emotional responsiveness, inferred from the pt's facial expression, including the amt and range of expressive behavior Correct Answer: Affect 
Which axis: 
Clinical conditions and other clinical disorders that may be a focus of clinical attention Correct Answer: Axis I 
Which axis: 
Personality disorders C...
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