Comprehensive Predictor Adult Med Surg
Kaplan University
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Comprehensive Predictor Adult Med Surg Latest Questions And Answers
- Examen • 93 páginas • 2024
- $15.49
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Comprehensive Predictor Adult Med Surg Latest Questions And Answers
After obtaining a blood specimen from a client's peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), which of the following actions should the nurse take next? ANS Flush with 20 mL 0.9% sodium chloride.
What mL syringe is used for flushing a PICC line? ANS 10 mL
How often do we flush a PICC line? ANS Before, between, and after medication
How much force to do you apply if met with resistance while flushing a PICC line? ...
Comprehensive Predictor Adult Med Surg Latest Questions And Answers
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Comprehensive Predictor Adult Med Surg Latest Questions And Answers After obtaining a blood specimen from a client's peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), which of the following actions should the nurse take next? ANS Flush with 20 mL 0.9% sodium chloride. What mL syringe is used for flushing a PICC line? ANS 10 mL How often do we flush a PICC line? ANS Before, between, and after medication How much force to do you apply if met with resistance while flushing a PICC line? ...
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