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Criminology Exam 1 Questions and Answers (complete solution)
(CJ_305_Final_)Criminology & Justice final exam 100% Verified 
According to this type of critical theory, the poor may or may not commit more crimes than the rich, but the poor are certainly arrested and punished more often.
Criminology Exam 1 Questions and Correct Answers (+Definitions of key words) 
CRIMINOLOGY-The scientific study of the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior. 
DEVIANT BEHAVIOR-Actions that depart from the social norm. Some are considered criminal, others merely harmless aberrations. 
CRIMINAL JUSTICE-System made up of the agencies of social control, such as police departments, courts, and correctional institutions that handle criminal offenders. 
Crime Definition: 
-	Any form of human behaviour that is designated by law as criminal and subject to penal sanction 
A Composite Definition of Crime: 
-	“Crime is a violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted by a legal criminal code created by people holding social and political power. Individuals who violate these laws are subject to sanctions by statue authority, social stigma, and loss of status” 
What Is a Crime? 
- This approach implies that ...
Module 1: 
Instead crime -> acts 
Crime does not exist only acts 
Certain people are not seen as criminals (children, elderly patients etc.) No clear consensus on crime 
Distorted image of crime (first instinct is not a man in a suit as criminal) Crime as a public issue (C. Wright Mills) 
Modern obsession with crime (CSI effect) 
- Reflection of our society 
- Try to prevent it/ control it 
- Crime as sociological problem (Bernie & Messerschmidt) 
- Plays into o...
Malcolm X College; CRIM101___Midterm_Notes (Criminology notes) 
Chapter 1: What is Criminology? 
Chapter 2: Key Principles of Classical and Neoclassical Criminology. 
Chapter 1: Early Biological Perspectives on Criminal Behavior 
Chapter 1: What is Criminology?
Criminology; CRM1300 C Introduction to Criminology (Notes) latest with summary (100% well enlightened) 
Criminology; CRM1300 C Introduction to Criminology (Notes) latest with summary (100% well enlightened)
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