NUR 140
Moraine Valley Community College
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Nur 140 Final Exam Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2023
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What is the Goal of this course? correct answer: Not to memorize everything, but to gain an understanding the goal of medication administration and evaluation. How we find info related to meds, vaccines, herbal interactions, etc. Knowing the basics and knowing where to find the extra info 
Assessing patient home medication use? correct answer: Allergies, what all they're taking, supplements they're taking, dietary things (grapefruit), MAOIs (no tyramine), green leafy vegetables high in vit...

NUR 140 Exam 1 Questions And Answers With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Orphan drugs correct answer: drugs that have been discovered (FDA approved) but not financially viable therefore have not been "adopted" by a drug company (drug is unpredictable) 
A nurse is teaching clients about the use of insulin to treat type I diabetes mellitus. Which type of insulin should the nurse tell the clients to expect a peak effect in 1-5 hrs after admin? correct answer: Regular Insulin -- peak effect approx 1-5hrs following admin 
A patient is taking Diabetes (Glipizide) a...

Nur 140 Exam 1| 86 Questions| With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2023
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Florence Nightingale correct answer: Founder of modern nursing 
first scientist theorist - "what it is and what it is not" 
reformed hospitals 
improved standards of care 
mandated that nurses receive a formal education 
Clara Barton correct answer: Nurse during the Civil War 
founder of the American Red Cross 
Mary Mahoney correct answer: First professionally trained African American nurse 
Linda Richards correct answer: America's first trained nurse 
known for introducing nurses ...

Nur 140 exam 1 Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $10.49
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Who are significant nurses in our nursing history? correct answer: Nightingale 
Florence Nightingale correct answer: Implemented public health policies, reformed hospitals. 
Carla Barton correct answer: Establish American Red Cross 
Linda Richards correct answer: First trained nurse, Started nurse's notes & Dr. orders and uniforms 
Mary Mahoney correct answer: First African American nurse 
Lilian Wald co...

Nursing 140 Mrs. Jagellaa Exam 1 Moraine Valley Community College Questions And Answers With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 24 pages • 2023
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What are the 6 C's of Nursing? correct answer: Competence 
Nurse Practice Act (NPA) correct answer: defines the scope and limitations of professional nursing practice; vary from state to state 
Internal standards of care correct answer: job description, education, expertise, institutional policies and procedures 
External standards of care correct answer: consist of: Nurse practice acts; Professional organizations (ie, ANA);...

NUR 140 EXAM #1| 93 Questions| With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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- $14.99
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what does NSPA stand for? correct answer: National State Practice Act 
what is the purpose of the NSPA? correct answer: - Protects public by legally defining & describing the scope of nursing practice 
- Every state is different (helps transfer license to another state!) 
what are the roles of the nurse? correct answer: 1. Caregiver 
2. Communicator 
3. Educator 
4. Counselor 
5. Leader 
6: Researcher 
7. Advocate 
8. Collaborator 
Nursing is... correct answer: - caring 
- an art 
- a ...

The ULTIMATE NUR-140 Mrs. Jagellaa Moraine Valley Community college nursing program final exam Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 39 pages • 2023
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what med will decrease afterload? correct answer: vasodilator or arterial dilator 
epistaxis correct answer: nose bleed 
foods high in potassium correct answer: oranges, avocados, dried fruit, tomatoes, dried peas, veal, broccoli, bananas 
what is the test done when it I thought that the pt had a stroke? correct answer: CT scan 
angina that occurs with exercise and stress and occurs more and more often correct answer: unstable angina 
excessive thirst due to dehydration correct an...

NUR-140 Moraine Valley Community College Mrs. Jagellaa Final Exam Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 28 pages • 2023
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Define CVA (stroke) correct answer: An emergency condition in which neurological deficits result from sudden decrease in blood flow localized to an area of the brain. A manjor loss of blood supply to the brain can result in severe disability or death. 
ischemic stroke correct answer: 87% of strokes 
When the blood supply to a part of the brain is suddenly interrupted by thrombus, embolus, or blood vessel stenosis. 
Hemorrhagic stroke correct answer: 13% of strokes 
When a blood vessel ru...

Exam 1 NUR 140 MVCC Questions With Complete Solutions
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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The nurse is planning to assess Gordon's FHP a clients family role and relationships. What questions should the nurse ask to obtain this information? correct answer: "What is your home life like? Who do you live with? 
The nurse is explaining the definition of being a nurse to a new nursing assistant. Which themes should the nurse include when talking to the assistance. correct answer: -Science 
-treatment of human response 
Which of the following allows to practice nursing in the ...

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