MBA 505Ethics and compliance (MBA505)
Northern Illinois University
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2021/2022 United HealthCare - Ethics and Compliance V2: (MBA 505) Q & A; Northern Illinois
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
- $12.00
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2021/2022 United HealthCare - Ethics and Compliance V2: (MBA 505) Q & A; Northern Illinois 
1.	In terms of events, which of the following is true? 
A)	Agents must report formal marketing/sales events only to UHC 
B)	Agents must report informal marketing/sales events only to UHC 
C)	Agents must report all marketing/sales and educational events to UHC 
D)	Agents must report formal and informal marketing/sales events only to UHC 
2.	Whose email address may the agent enter into the LEAN enrollmen...
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