Maternal Child: Exam 2 Study Guide GUIDESPRING LATEST UPDATE
Rasmussen College
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Maternal Child: Exam 2 Study Guide GUIDESPRING LATEST UPDATE
- Exam (elaborations) • 21 pages • 2021
- $17.49
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1.	Preeclampsia and HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count) 
a.	24 weeks and beyond 
b.	HTN that occurs during pregnancy 
c.	Only cured by delivering baby and placenta 
d.	Affect liver, brain, kidney, lung, and heart 
i.	Subjective Data 
1.	Blurry vision 
2.	Headaches 
3.	Weight gain 
4.	Edema of face and hands 
5.	Epigastric pain/upper abdominal pain 
6.	Protein in urine 
7.	Elevated BP (can cause decreased fundal growth) 
8.	Brisk patellar reflexes 
9.	N/V 
ii.	Objective ...
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