NUR 2558
Rasmussen College
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NUR 2558 – Maternal child-Exam 3 Review.
- Exam (elaborations) • 36 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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NUR 2558 – Maternal child-Exam 3 Review/NUR 2558 – Maternal child-Exam 3 Review. 
Hospitalization causes many issues – Stress is the Big one. This can be positive and negative, please explain. What is the child most afraid of – 3 things? How can we minimize the stress of hospitalization? 
Hospitalization causes many issues - Stress is the Big one. This can be positive and negative 
Positive - Child begins to expand their world when parents are absent. Healthcare providers can see the c...

NUR 2558 – Study Guide Test 3.
- Exam (elaborations) • 27 pages • 2021
- $14.99
- + learn more
NUR 2558 – Study Guide Test 3/NUR 2558 – Study Guide Test 3. 
1.	Hospitalization causes many issues – Stress is the Big one. This can be positive and negative, please explain. What is the child most afraid of – 3 things? How can we minimize the stress of hospitalization? 
Hospitalization causes many issues - Stress is the Big one. This can be positive and negative 
Positive - Child begins to expand their world when parents are absent. Healthcare providers can see the child adapt. If pa...

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