NUR 4323
Rasmussen College
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- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 28 pagina's • 2022
- $9.49
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Exam Notes MDC4 Final 
Parkland Formula 
a) 4ml x % BSA x weight (kg)= volume of fluid that needs to be infused 
b) ½ of the total volume of fluid in first 8 hours 
c) Last half in 16 hours 
MAP Calculation 
a) MAP= 1/3 * SBP + 2/3 * DBP 
Treatment for frostbite 
a) Rewarming the skin 
a. Rewarm the area using a warm-water bath for 15 to 30 minutes 
b. Skin may turn soft and look red or purple 
c. You may be encouraged to gently move the affected area as it rewarms. 
b) Oral pain medicine 
a. T...

NUR 4323 - MDC4 Final Study Guide. Questions and Answers.
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 28 pagina's • 2022
- $12.49
- + meer info
NUR 4323 - MDC4 Final Study Guide. Questions and Answers. 
Parkland Formula 
a) 4ml x % BSA x weight (kg)= volume of fluid that needs to be infused 
b) ½ of the total volume of fluid in first 8 hours 
c) Last half in 16 hours 
MAP Calculation 
a) MAP= 1/3 * SBP + 2/3 * DBP 
Treatment for frostbite 
a) Rewarming the skin 
a. Rewarm the area using a warm-water bath for 15 to 30 minutes 
b. Skin may turn soft and look red or purple 
c. You may be encouraged to gently move the affected area as it...

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