NURS 1102 Fundamentals of Nursing
Rasmussen College
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SaraLin Clinical Worksheets Deep Patel-answered correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2021
- $9.49
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SaraLin Clinical Worksheets Deep Patel-answered correct 
(INCLUDE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF DISEASE PROCESS) DIAGNOSTIC TESTS (REASON FOR TEST AND RESULTS) Ultrasonography may show appendiceal inflammation. CT scan demonstratessuspected perforation or abscess. WBCs to see elevation = signs of infection PATIENT INFORMATION ANTICIPATED PHYSICAL FINDINGS - Low-grade fever, diaphoresis, chills - Anorexia - Tachycardia - Fetal position to decrease pain - Guarding, voluntary and involuntary - Rightlower qu...
VSim-SaraLin DA-Complete Answered-Fundamentals-Pain management
VSim-SaraLin DA-Complete Answered-Fundamentals-Pain management

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