NURS 6512N Midterm Exam Advanced Health Assessment Summer 2020
Rasmussen College
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NURS 6512N Midterm Exam Advanced Health Assessment Summer 2021
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2021
- $15.49
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1. To perform the Rinne test, place the tuning fork on the: 
2. You are examining a pregnant patient and have noted a vascular lesion. When you blanche over the vascular lesion, the site blanches and refills evenly from the center outward. The nurse documents this lesion as a: 
3. When palpating the abdomen, you should note whether the liver is enlarged in the: 
4. Mr. Kevin Marks is a new health care provider. What is the best method to develop cultural competence? 
5. The review of sys...

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